Source code for pygeoprocessing.symbolic

# coding=UTF-8
"""Module to hold symbolic PyGeoprocessing utilities."""
import ast
import logging

from . import geoprocessing
from osgeo import gdal
import numpy

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def evaluate_raster_calculator_expression( expression, symbol_to_path_band_map, target_nodata, target_raster_path, default_nan=None, default_inf=None, raster_driver_creation_tuple=DEFAULT_GTIFF_CREATION_TUPLE_OPTIONS): """Evaluate the arithmetic expression of rasters. Evaluate the symbolic arithmetic expression in ``expression`` where the symbols represent equally sized GIS rasters. With the following rules: * any nodata pixels in a raster will cause the entire pixel stack to be ``target_nodata``. If ``target_nodata`` is None, this will be 0. * any calculations the result in NaN or inf values will be replaced by the corresponding values in ``default_nan`` and ``default_inf``. If either of these are not defined an NaN or inf result will cause a ValueError exception to be raised. * the following arithmetic operators are available: ``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``/``, ``<``, ``<=``, ``>``, ``>=``, ``!=``, ``&``, and ``|``. Args: expression (str): a valid arithmetic expression whose variables are defined in ``symbol_to_path_band_map``. symbol_to_path_band_map (dict): a dict of symbol/(path, band) pairs to indicate which symbol maps to which raster and corresponding band. All symbol names correspond to symbols in ``expression``. Example:: expression = '2*x+b' symbol_to_path_band_map = { 'x': (path_to_x_raster, 1), 'b': (path_to_b_raster, 1) } All rasters represented in this structure must have the same raster size. target_nodata (float): desired nodata value for ``target_raster_path``. target_raster_path (str): path to the raster that is created by ``expression``. default_nan (float): if a calculation results in an NaN that value is replaces with this value. A ValueError exception is raised if this case occurs and ``default_nan`` is None. default_inf (float): if a calculation results in an +/- inf that value is replaced with this value. A ValueError exception is raised if this case occurs and ``default_nan`` is None. Returns: None """ # its a common error to pass something other than a string for # ``expression`` but the resulting error is obscure, so test for that and # make a helpful error if not isinstance(expression, str): raise ValueError( "Expected type `str` for `expression` but instead got %s", str( type(expression))) # remove any raster bands that don't have corresponding symbols in the # expression active_symbols = set() for tree_node in ast.walk(ast.parse(expression)): if isinstance(tree_node, ast.Name): active_symbols.add( LOGGER.debug( 'evaluating: %s\nactive symbols: %s\n', expression, sorted(active_symbols)) symbol_list, raster_path_band_list = zip(*[ (symbol, raster_path_band) for symbol, raster_path_band in sorted(symbol_to_path_band_map.items()) if symbol in active_symbols]) missing_symbols = set(active_symbols) - set(symbol_list) if missing_symbols: raise ValueError( 'The variables %s are defined in the expression but are not in ' 'symbol_to_path_band_map' % ', '.join(sorted(missing_symbols))) raster_path_band_const_list = ( [path_band for path_band in raster_path_band_list] + [(geoprocessing.get_raster_info( path_band[0])['nodata'][path_band[1]-1], 'raw') for path_band in raster_path_band_list] + [ (expression, 'raw'), (target_nodata, 'raw'), (default_nan, 'raw'), (default_inf, 'raw'), (symbol_list, 'raw')]) # Determine the target gdal type by gathering all the numpy types to # determine what the result type would be if they were all applied in # an operation. target_numpy_type = numpy.result_type(*[ geoprocessing.get_raster_info(path)['numpy_type'] for path, band_id in raster_path_band_const_list if isinstance(band_id, int)]) dtype_to_gdal_type = { numpy.dtype('uint8'): gdal.GDT_Byte, numpy.dtype('int16'): gdal.GDT_Int16, numpy.dtype('int32'): gdal.GDT_Int32, numpy.dtype('uint16'): gdal.GDT_UInt16, numpy.dtype('uint32'): gdal.GDT_UInt32, numpy.dtype('float32'): gdal.GDT_Float32, numpy.dtype('float64'): gdal.GDT_Float64, numpy.dtype('csingle'): gdal.GDT_CFloat32, numpy.dtype('complex64'): gdal.GDT_CFloat64, } # most numpy types map directly to a GDAL type except for numpy.int8 in # this case we need to add an additional 'PIXELTYPE=SIGNEDBYTE' to the # creation options if target_numpy_type != numpy.int8: target_gdal_type = dtype_to_gdal_type[ target_numpy_type] target_raster_driver_creation_tuple = raster_driver_creation_tuple else: # it's a signed byte target_gdal_type = gdal.GDT_Byte target_raster_driver_creation_tuple = ( raster_driver_creation_tuple[0], tuple(raster_driver_creation_tuple[1])+('PIXELTYPE=SIGNEDBYTE',)) geoprocessing.raster_calculator( raster_path_band_const_list, _generic_raster_op, target_raster_path, target_gdal_type, target_nodata, raster_driver_creation_tuple=target_raster_driver_creation_tuple)
def _generic_raster_op(*arg_list): """General raster array operation with well conditioned args. Parameters: arg_list (list): a list of length 2*n+5 defined as: [array_0, ... array_n, nodata_0, ... nodata_n, expression, target_nodata, default_nan, default_inf, kwarg_names] Where ``expression`` is a string expression to be evaluated by ``eval`` that takes ``n`` ``numpy.ndarray``elements. ``target_nodata`` is the result of an element in ``expression`` if any of the array values that would produce the result contain a nodata value. ``default_nan`` and ``default_inf`` is the value that should be replaced if the result of applying ``expression`` to its arguments results in an ``numpy.nan`` or ``numpy.inf`` value. A ValueError exception is raised if a ``numpy.nan`` or ``numpy.inf`` is produced by ``func`` but the corresponding ``default_*`` argument is ``None``. ``kwarg_names`` is a list of the variable names present in ``expression`` in the same order as the incoming numpy arrays. Returns: func applied to a masked version of array_0, ... array_n where only valid non-nodata values in the raster stack are used. Otherwise the target pixels are set to target_nodata. """ n = int((len(arg_list)-4) // 2) array_list = arg_list[0:n] target_dtype = numpy.result_type(*[x.dtype for x in array_list]) result = numpy.empty(arg_list[0].shape, dtype=target_dtype) nodata_list = arg_list[n:2*n] expression = arg_list[2*n] target_nodata = arg_list[2*n+1] default_nan = arg_list[2*n+2] default_inf = arg_list[2*n+3] kwarg_names = arg_list[2*n+4] nodata_present = any([x is not None for x in nodata_list]) if target_nodata is not None: result[:] = target_nodata valid_mask = None if nodata_present: valid_mask = ~numpy.logical_or.reduce( [numpy.isclose(array, nodata) for array, nodata in zip(array_list, nodata_list) if nodata is not None]) if not valid_mask.all() and target_nodata is None: raise ValueError( "`target_nodata` is undefined (None) but there are nodata " "values present in the input rasters.") user_symbols = {symbol: array[valid_mask] for (symbol, array) in zip(kwarg_names, array_list)} else: # there's no nodata values to mask so operate directly user_symbols = dict(zip(kwarg_names, array_list)) # They say ``eval`` is dangerous, and it honestly probably is. # As far as we can tell, the benefits of being able to evaluate these sorts # of expressions will outweight the risks and, as always, folks shouldn't # be running code they don't trust. func_result = eval(expression, {}, user_symbols) if nodata_present: result[valid_mask] = func_result else: result[:] = func_result is_nan_mask = numpy.isnan(result) if is_nan_mask.any(): if default_nan: result[is_nan_mask] = default_nan else: raise ValueError( 'Encountered NaN in calculation but `default_nan` is None.') is_inf_mask = numpy.isinf(result) if is_inf_mask.any(): if default_inf: result[is_inf_mask] = default_inf else: raise ValueError( 'Encountered inf in calculation but `default_inf` is None.') return result