pygeoprocessing.symbolic module

Module to hold symbolic PyGeoprocessing utilities.

pygeoprocessing.symbolic.evaluate_raster_calculator_expression(expression, symbol_to_path_band_map, target_nodata, target_raster_path, default_nan=None, default_inf=None, raster_driver_creation_tuple=('GTIFF', ('TILED=YES', 'BIGTIFF=YES', 'COMPRESS=LZW', 'BLOCKXSIZE=256', 'BLOCKYSIZE=256')))[source]

Evaluate the arithmetic expression of rasters.

Evaluate the symbolic arithmetic expression in expression where the symbols represent equally sized GIS rasters. With the following rules:

  • any nodata pixels in a raster will cause the entire pixel stack to be target_nodata. If target_nodata is None, this will be 0.

  • any calculations the result in NaN or inf values will be replaced by the corresponding values in default_nan and default_inf. If either of these are not defined an NaN or inf result will cause a ValueError exception to be raised.

  • the following arithmetic operators are available: +, -, *, /, <, <=, >, >=, !=, &, and |.

  • expression (str) – a valid arithmetic expression whose variables are defined in symbol_to_path_band_map.

  • symbol_to_path_band_map (dict) –

    a dict of symbol/(path, band) pairs to indicate which symbol maps to which raster and corresponding band. All symbol names correspond to symbols in expression. Example:

    expression = '2*x+b'
    symbol_to_path_band_map = {
        'x': (path_to_x_raster, 1),
        'b': (path_to_b_raster, 1)

    All rasters represented in this structure must have the same raster size.

  • target_nodata (float) – desired nodata value for target_raster_path.

  • target_raster_path (str) – path to the raster that is created by expression.

  • default_nan (float) – if a calculation results in an NaN that value is replaces with this value. A ValueError exception is raised if this case occurs and default_nan is None.

  • default_inf (float) – if a calculation results in an +/- inf that value is replaced with this value. A ValueError exception is raised if this case occurs and default_nan is None.

